
Villages around Shergarh

We wants to publish information about these villages and more.If some wants to add their village in this list or give any kind of information about villages listed below, will be most welcome. 

North of Shergarh 

  1. Takkia
  2. Kuckoo Maira
  3. Namshera Miangan
  4. Chitta Andhera
  5. Khori Bajna
  6. Bajana Paein
  7. Bajna Bala
  8. Bai Bala
  9. Bai Paein
  10. Kharhee
  11. Butti
South of Shergarh
  1. Dhamdhari
  2. Batho Bandi
  3. Bala
  4. Khori
  5. Darhmali
  6. Budhan
  7. Galli Badarhall
  8. Talian
  9. Sari Goria(a group of villages)
  East of Shergarh
  1. Batkarar( a group of villages)
  2. Orian
 West of Shergarh
  1. Haji Nambal
  2. Qazi Abad
  3. Gedrahaie
  4. Ismaeel Bandi
  5. Shangari
  6. Khamrhian
  7. Gobai
  8. Harhi Maira
  9. Namshehra Kadaal
  10. Chanser
  11. Maira Kallan
  12. Maira Khurd
Send us your information about your village i.e text,images videos and more...


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